AT&T Networking Operations Center | Bedminster Township, NJ


AT&T Networking Operations Center Expansion

Dtsp Project Att 01

AT&T’s 800,000 square foot Corporate Campus is located along US Route 206 in Bedminster Township, New Jersey. When the company sought to expand the complex to include a 180,000 square foot Network Operations Center, it contracted with DTS Provident to provide site, civil, traffic and environmental engineering services associated with the project.

DTS Provident prepared site plans, stormwater management reports, and other documents required to obtain the necessary approvals from the Township and County.

Another DTS Provident assignment was to conduct a Traffic Impact Study and obtain driveway access permits from the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The study determined that the client would be responsible for constructing an off-site highway improvement project along Route 206 that was necessary in order to handle increased traffic flow associated with the expanded complex.

DTS Provident then developed the highway design drawings for the required improvement project and secured appropriate approvals from the Departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection.

As a result of DTS Provident’s efforts, AT&T was able to expand their Campus to include a new Network Operations Center (NOC) while minimizing the impacts on the environment. The off-site traffic improvements mitigated potential traffic impacts and improved roadway conditions for both AT&T and non-site related traffic.

Our integrated, strategic approach to project planning and implementation balances the concerns of the land owner, the community, and the environment with the specific characteristics of the site, enabling us to create intelligent land use solutions.