
Matheny Hospital and Educational Center

The Matheny Campus is located at the end of a minor collector road that serves an existing residential neighborhood. The road was originally built out from a farm access road in the 1940’s, and Matheny has been operating at their site since 1954. Many of the houses along the access road were built after Matheny began providing health and educational services for medically complex patients. The need for such services is growing not only within the region, but nationally as well. DTS Provident is providing the traffic engineering, parking and safety studies to help Matheny obtain approvals from the local land use board for a Campus expansion.

DTS Provident’s work included peak hour and daily traffic counts, level of service analyses, trip generation estimating, parking studies and safety studies along the adjacent roadways. An extensive amount of volume and accident data was obtained and analyzed, leading to a series of technical reports that concluded that the proposed Matheny expansion would not negatively impact the adjacent street system.

As a result of DTS Provident’s studies, the Client was able to provide the local community with a level of comfort regarding the additional activity and associated traffic that would be attributed to the Campus Modernization and Expansion. In addition, DTS Provident identified a number of possible improvements and programs that Matheny could undertake to further enhance safety conditions in the area as well as reduce the potential traffic impacts along the access road. The improvements included traffic calming techniques such as speed tables and interactive speed signs (radar), as well as the identification of locations where trimming foliage and relocating fences and hedges would increase sight distances along the access road. The programs included the use of remote parking lots that would reduce Campus related traffic during the peak hours and a traffic monitoring program that would ensure Matheny’s adherence to a traffic “budget” – a limit on the maximum volume of traffic that could access the Campus during the busiest hours of operation.

Our integrated, strategic approach to project planning and implementation balances the concerns of the land owner, the community, and the environment with the specific characteristics of the site, enabling us to create intelligent land use solutions.