Bristol-Myers Squibb | Lawrenceville, NJ
Bristol-Myers Squibb Corporate Headquarters Expansion
Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Corporate Headquarters has been expanded several times since 1986 to accommodate their overall master development plan. DTS Provident was involved with several of their expansion elements from 1986 to 2002. The project required approvals from the Lawrence Township Planning Board, Mercer County, the New Jersey Department of Transportation, and various Regional Storm Water Management Authorities. The storm water management plans for the various project elements had to consider the limitations of the existing infrastructure and had to address impacts on an existing lake. In addition, the Township required no increase in Peak Hour traffic, even though the facility was increasing in size.
- DTS Provident minimized infrastructure redevelopment costs by utilizing existing systems where practical.
- DTS Provident implemented such innovative storm water quality measures as infiltration and made adjustments to the existing lake’s outlet weir in order to properly manage the storm water.
- To meet the Township’s peak hour traffic limitations, DTS Provident employed a flex-time solution with a pre- and post-monitoring program to test the results, and was able to successfully achieve the Township’s criteria.
Through DTS Provident’s innovative efforts, the client was able to obtain local and State approvals for the various expansions while minimizing costs.
- Expert Witness Testimony
Our integrated, strategic approach to project planning and implementation balances the concerns of the land owner, the community, and the environment with the specific characteristics of the site, enabling us to create intelligent land use solutions.