Greenburgh Public Library | Greenburgh, NY


Greenburgh Public Library

Dtsp Project Gpl 01
Dtsp Project Gpl 02
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Dtsp Project Gpl 01
Dtsp Project Gpl 02
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The Town of Greenburgh wanted to expand their existing library, which shared an 8.1 acre tract with the existing Town Hall along Tarrytown Road (NYS Route 119). To accomplish this, the Town Hall building was demolished and the existing public library was renovated and expanded.

DTS Provident provided Site/Civil engineering services from the schematic site plan phase through site plan approval. These services included layout plans, grading plans, utility plans, erosion and sediment control plans, construction details, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and technical specifications.

DTS Provident performed Site Assessment Inspection services as required under the SPDES General Permit, under a separate contract with the Town.

Under the Town contract, DTS Provident also performed Highway Improvement Inspection services as required under the NYSDOT Highway Work Permit for the Project’s access improvements that were located within the NYSDOT right of way.

As a result of DTS Provident’s efforts, the Town of Greenburgh was able to expand their public library to provide a 45,000 square foot facility for the community.

Our integrated, strategic approach to project planning and implementation balances the concerns of the land owner, the community, and the environment with the specific characteristics of the site, enabling us to create intelligent land use solutions.