Garden State Plaza | Paramus, NJ


Garden State Plaza

Dtsp Project Gsp 01
Dtsp Project Gsp 02
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Dtsp Project Gsp 01
Dtsp Project Gsp 02
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Garden State Plaza is a 2 million sf regional shopping center located in Paramus, NJ, adjacent to the NJ Route 4/NJ Route 17 interchange, one of the busiest interchanges in the United States. The Garden State Plaza has undergone several expansions over the years, with each expansion requiring approvals from the Borough of Paramus, Bergen County and State agencies. Of particular concern to reviewers was the impact of the Plaza’s expansion traffic on the adjacent roadway system.

  • DTS Provident prepared detailed Traffic Studies to determine the access requirements and the necessary improvements on the surrounding roadway network for the different project expansions. The Traffic Studies were performed following the New Jersey Department of Transportation requirements. Coordination with the County as well as modifications to the interchange with the Garden State Parkway ramps also occurred.
  • DTS Provident prepared Signal Design Plans for new/revised traffic signals both on-site and off-site.
  • DTS Provident designed modifications to the internal circulation and access to the parking areas, including the design of a new bridge.
  • DTS Provident prepared various plans to help obtain Site Plan Approvals.

Through DTS Provident’s engineering expertise, the client was able to obtain local and State approvals for the various expansions.

Our integrated, strategic approach to project planning and implementation balances the concerns of the land owner, the community, and the environment with the specific characteristics of the site, enabling us to create intelligent land use solutions.