Town Homes at West Way and Garito Manor | New Rochelle, NY
Town Homes at West Way and Garito Manor
The Town Homes at West Way provide affordable housing for first-time homebuyers in 25 new duplexes, while the seven-story Garito Manor offers 102 affordable residential units and lifestyle services for seniors in downtown New Rochelle, New York. This ambitious intergenerational program was proposed by the not-for profit New Rochelle Neighborhood Revitalization Corporation (NRNRC) on a shared 2.5 acre urban redevelopment site.
The NRNRC’s program called for efficient and cost-effective planning on a site it had assembled from 15 separate smaller parcels. DTS coordinated with two architects to produce a compact yet extremely livable site plan that would accommodate the Phase 1 program as well as future expansion onto adjoining properties. DTS provided close coordination with city agencies to facilitate the funding and construction of a replacement stormwater main and upgrades to the adjoining city streets and streetscape. We also worked closely with the architects to develop site engineering and landscape architectural solutions to accommodate zero-lot line conditions within the townhome layout.
The Town Homes at West Way and Garito Manor together form a successful example of affordable urban redevelopment on a tight site with a limited budget.
Our integrated, strategic approach to project planning and implementation balances the concerns of the land owner, the community, and the environment with the specific characteristics of the site, enabling us to create intelligent land use solutions.